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SAP Global Online セミナー情報 (2021年2月)

SAPにて世界のSAPユーザー会を支援するSAP Global User Groups organizationより、グローバルに提供している様々なオンラインセミナーを、日本のお客様にご案内いたします。英語ベースではございますが、ご参加を検討いただければ幸いです。


● Webcast: What Every SAP User Should Know About "RISE with SAP" Join this deep-dive webcast into SAP's newly announced "RISE with SAP" offering and find out how SAP is seeking to take customers' business critical assets to the cloud at each customer's very own pace.

Save the date 9 AM CET (Feb 04, 2021 - 5 PM in Tokyo) Save the date 4PM CET (Feb 05, 2021 - 12 AM in Tokyo)

● Workshop "SAP Early Watch Alert Workspace - Overview Session" SAP Early Watch Alert Workspace is a cloud-based application that helps you gain an overview on our SAP system landscape health from any place and under all conditions. It is a data-driven collaboration platform between you and SAP and helps to prevent business downtimes with predictive alerts. In this workshop you will be introduced to the must-knows and best practices on how to get the most out of this fully automated service most efficiently.

Registration (Feb 09, 2021 - 11:00 PM in Tokyo) ● Workshop: "SAP Early Watch Alert - Deep Dive Workshop" This is a deep-dive workshop on the key features of the cloud-based application SAP EarlyWatch Alert Workspace. You will learn how to evaluate performance of GUI transactions and Fiori apps by looking at the long-term trends of response times.

Registration (Feb 11, 2021 - 11:00 PM in Tokyo) ● Workshop:"SAP Early Watch Alert - Security Workshop" This is a deep-dive workshop on the key features of the cloud-based application SAP EarlyWatch Alert Workspace. You will learn how to evaluate performance of GUI transactions and Fiori apps by looking at the long-term trends of response times. Registration (Feb 16, 2021 - 11:00 PM in Tokyo) ● Workshop:"SAP Early Watch Alert - Workspace Workshop" SAP EarlyWatch Alert Workspace - how to incorporate it into an active process within the Customer COE i.e. collaboration, notification and integration of alerts into HANA Cockpit. SAP EarlyWatch Alert Workspace is a data-driven collaboration platform. This workshop focusses on the work in a Customer COE and how they can leverage the app most effectively and efficiently to troubleshoot issues in large system landscapes.

Registration (Feb 18, 2021 - 11:00 PM in Tokyo) ● Event:"Introduction to SAP Business Technology Platform" During this virtual event you will get an Introduction to SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP) and understand how SAP Integration Suite, SAP Extension Suite and SAP Analytics are Powering SAP BTP. Registration (Feb 23, 2021 - 2 PM in Tokyo)




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